Just got rid of the two beavs we had on the creek that runs through the farm. It came to my attention this summer as the bridge was damming up. I have never trapped them or dealt with them here. Took me about three weeks to get the big male and the little yearling with a snare I placed on a small slide at water level. I have no indication of anymore since then. I had to don a wetsuit on four separate occasions to break the dam free from under the bridge( 36,000 lbs of concrete on 6 steel beams. I made several different lengths of hooks out of #4 rebar to pull the sucker loose. Made a huge improvement on Tuesday and got the creek flowing under bridge as should be. There is a section of cow panel across the creek for cows and on Tues I extended it to the creek bottom to piss the beaver off. It did the trick as the beaver finally used the smaller slides sometime Tuesday during the night. Am good to go for a few months again. I placed the snares on Sunday( I have never used these snares before) worked like they were supposed to. I watched a video on the tube for guidance! Ha! Forgot to mention these beavs had three huge slides from the south bank of the creek up to a cornfield. Decimated that corner of the field, slides completely lined with stalks, two separate dams going on with nothing but stalks and a whole bunch of corn debris in their poop! I never knew they ate or used corn!

Last edited by troublesome82; 12/10/20. Reason: wording