This thread inspired me. I have one of these rifles (Fwt Classic 6.5x55) that has had an annoying problem. If I put more than one round in the magazine the bottom round moves back and forth in the mag box, making a very audible metallic click as it hits the sides of the box. This has cost me a couple deer over the years. This annoying trait meant I couldn't have more than two rounds in the rifle. I tried a couple things to try to fix this. I bought an aftermarket follower (Callahan) but it didn't fix the problem. Then I had a machinist friend of mine grind down the bump in the follower to try to have the round on top of the bottom round put more pressure on it to keep it from moving. That didn't work. Reading this thread inspired me to take another look at the problem. Rather than grind down the bump further, I figured I'd try to build up the bottom of the follower to try to put some pressure on that bottom round. I put two narrow strips of duct tape on the bottom of the follower under where the bottom round sits and - - - voila' as the French say - - - it worked!! The bottom round now stays put and no more "clink". It's a low tech fix that should not be necessary but at least the problem is solved. I'm surprised that mine is the only one with this issue but I have not heard anyone else with this rifle and caliber mention it.