Originally Posted by dave7mm
Nice ....
Inquiring minds want to know ..
Bang flops DRTs. Death runs.....
Your still using it so it must work pretty good.


Of the three bucks I have killed with it, all were large bodied, mature deer. The shoulder mount 12, I shanked the shot a bit and hit him a but further back than I would have liked. He ran about 200yd and piled up.

The gnarly one and the tall 8 were both shot within 25yd of each other in consecutive years. Both were right at 225yd, quartering to. The gnarly deer ran about 20yd and was done. This year's deer ran about 200yd into a creek, and never came out. The does have all been similar, a couple of bang flops, a couple of short runs, no real issues. If I have any complaint, its that the little bullet doesn't leave much of a blood trail.