Originally Posted by 260Remguy
BPS ruined Cabela's, but maybe BPS learned something from having screwed up Cabela's so badly and will let SW run as an independent operating company. The quality of Cabela's clothing lines dropped like a rock when they stopped being Cabela's brands and started being BPS brands.

I used to buy a lot o' schit from Cabelas, both as far as hunting clothing and casual clothing. Cabelas used to have some pretty damned decent schit. Hell, I had to head into work quickly today and threw on a heavy brown button up long sleeve that I've had for 15 years and wears like iron. Still looks new. Carhart like stuff that looks good. I've got a bunch of 1/3 zipper pullovers from cabelas as well that can't be found anymore, but which I could sure use a size smaller in these days. And their cabelas labeled base layers were great.

Wouldn't give a buck for any of the redhead labeled crap I've ever looked at.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.