Originally Posted by 19352012
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
I have never understood the points of these threads. One man's smoking hot chick is to another just meh. It's one thing to point out the chick you're banging to a buddy and say look what I got, but wives are a different story. IMHO I'd never comment in real life on a guy's wife, and always found it uncomfortable when one would say "look how hot my old lady is". What do you say? Yeah, she's hot I'd like to fugk her? lol There is no right answer except a non-committal grunt.

I'd rather brag about how well she does with the kids or how well she keeps the house and how hard she works than brag about her looks.

I'm with you. Looks are great but you mostly just want them to shut up and do as they are told.

Don't get me wrong, looks are important. Without a physical attraction at least to start out with it would be weird. I'm just not comfortable commenting on another man's wife, as I'm a jealous mothefugker and make no bones or apologies about it.