Born in 69, too young to be a boomer.
Not sure I fit into a pigeonhole.

Screw the self checkout.
5-10% discount? I'm in.

The more I see them installed, the more I stand in line
for the one register while 3 people look at the empty
self check lines, the more entrenched I become.

Was at Lowe's, the 2 cashiers were busy and one of the
attendants tried to wave me through the self checkout.

"No Ma'am, I'm waiting to be checked out."

"I'll get you here."

So she unloads the card, scans the chit takes my money
and feeds it into the machine!"

I'm thinking "This makes good sense, only it ain't gonna get
me to,.....

The machine phuggks up. She can't get my change out.

Put me in the unimpressed column.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!