I am building a rotary wet brass tumbler and I have assembled ~ 70% of the parts I will need. I'm having difficulty deciding on a container to use for the brass. Originally, I purchased a length of 4" Schedule 40 PVC with a cap at one end and a 4" to 3" reducer with a rubber Quick Cap for the other - maybe 4" is not big enough? Then the water utility decided to dig up the street and replace the water lines with Schedule 80 8" & 6" PVC. After asking, I pilfered a length, but I think the Schedule 80 is WAY too heavy-duty. So I started looking around for 6" or 8" Schedule 40 and I cannot find any for a reasonable price.

So, if I end up using the 4" Schedule 40 I already have (or 6" if I can find it), what can I use for an agitator inside the PVC pipe? I thought of using lengths of 1" - 1.5" PVC split lengthwise, but would PVC cement be adequate to hold it in place? I'd also rather the agitator be a helix, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that. Any other ideas for either an agitator or a container? I found a MJR Tumblers' 1 gallon container, which would be perfect, but at $120.00, I need to figure out a cheaper solution.


Last edited by High_Noon; 01/04/21.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue