Originally Posted by JamesJr
Republicans can't keep denying that something besides voter fraud costs them both the White House and the Senate. I'm not going to say that Trump cost the country it's last line of defense in the Senate, as result of what happened in Georgia, , but something clearly is going on.....and it's going to keep on happening as long as some in the party keep blaming everything on Democrats cheating in elections.

I am trying to figure this all out myself.

Statistics are all askew this cylce. Fifty-year bellwethers ended in entirety in one cycle. This election year is a statical anomaly—maybe legit...I don’t know. This is what I am trying to wrap my head around. When something changes this drastically in one cycle...I start looking for one cause—one thing done different in this election.

This all leads me to this early mail-in voting.

You see, it can’t work in smaller races. Thus, you saw not a single Rep House seat lost and a pick up from the Dems.

Yet when you go to these huge statewide elections...the Dems gained...albeit with narrow margins. And...these huge vote numbers—driven by the huge mail in numbers. Mail in numbers surpassing even what the total vote would be just a few years earlier.

The statistical data suggests a single phenomenon unique to 2020 occured.

At this time I am giving a strong look to fraudulent activity in the unprecedented mail in voting. Just my 2¢...FWIW.