My first .22 that was mine alone I got in 1972. I had been chopping corn out of bean fields in central Michigan for a few days.(I was 11 soon to be 12). When I was done I was in the farmers living room to get paid when I noticed a dusty .22 on his wall in a rack. I said I'd take it instead of getting paid cash. My mother who was there to pick me up agreed when the farmer asked her if it was ok. Then he also gave me a $10 bill and a box of 50 shells. Carried it in my arms the whole ride home. Stepped out of our car like a conquering hero. It was featured in one of Field & Streams old "Gunfight Friday "segments on their magazine website. It's a Remington 511-x scoremaster that everyone calls the squirrelmaster around here. Wears an old Weaver wide angle 4x or a Leupold 4x depending. Reblued it once in the late 90's and it needs it again.