Originally Posted by ingwe
Nothing I'm gonna post on social media...

If only the masses were so wise , but we can still talk, talk with wisdom and forethought .

Here is a very simple yet incredibly easy for most of us. As soon as the election was over, the ford motor company started running their adds for "renewable energy" cars and trucks, and myself like all so many Americans love my cars and trucks , but the ford motor company has become rabidly liberal , their employees are all union members voting for the democrats , take a look at the state of Michagan, check out the Ford foundation both huge supporters of BLM and "Squad" , nothing that is good for America .

Do you wanna send a message, do any of you really need a new work truck ? How about taking a two year moratorium on buying a new truck, save your self some cash , and if you really do need to upgrade , well then buy a used one . A smart move would be to dump your ford stock real soon . smile
Once they start stacking trucks up and the layoffs begin, they might understand how important the oil fields, home builders, farmers and timber industries are to this nation.
Just a thought, and there are so many other ways to our points across.

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