toltecgriz; i do believe you should go open up one of your favorite beverages and hold it on high and say "I won" thats about all the prize you are going to get.

Les old boy, the only good Savage that deserves mention is the 250-3000 of which I personally at one time had seven. I was attempting to collect every variant of the model 99 in 250-3000 but have moved on. The 303 has no appeal to me simply because I never given it much thought and shall continue not to do. My information shows that the Savage 303 was loaded with both .308 and .311 bullets but there seems not be be a concenous on who is correct. unlike the 22 hornet which has a time line in which ammo and guns were either 223 or 224. This is probably so simply due to the continued popularity of the Hornet and the obsolesece of the Savage 303. Ok now I'm interested send me what ya got. You still do not win the prize but go open your self up a cold one any way you deserve it.


Money talks Bull [bleep] walks
Business as usual