For years I was an advocate for people like him. Now here is the part some might find odd. I did it as a criminal investigator through my agency. I was the agency's point of contact for adult mental health calls, to include dealing with the elderly, elder abuse cases, etc.

The mentally ill and the elderly don't get protected like they should as far as I am concerned. Most cops don't find the cases exciting. The cases are rarely exciting. They are paperwork intensive, and most of the time the person you are protecting may not even be aware of it, or may be schizophrenic and think you are "out to get them" instead of trying to protect them. 99% never will realize that you are acting as their advocate. It is a very frustrating role to take on. But if you don't take it on, who will. The elderly need protected. The mentally ill need protected.

Anyways... Off my soap box.

Contact your local law enforcement and see if they have a CRT program(Crisis Response Team). Normally it is centered around people in a mental health crisis suffering from disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.

They can have your friend talk to a designated examiner and ask a few clarifying questions, to determine if he lacks insight into his own mental health. A determination will be made as to if your friend is "Gravely Disabled"

“Gravely disabled” means the patient is unable to provide for basic personal needs (food, clothing, shelter) or lacks insight into the need for treatment and unwillingness to comply with treatment that is likely to lead to an inability to provide for basic needs.

A Designated Examiner normally is used for temporary mental holds, but if your friend is couch surfing and semi coherent it may be time to find a home for him where he is safe that he can get some meds. Odds are once he gets some meds on board he might be good to go for an assisted living type of situation.

Hope this helps.


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