Doug Collins was a far better candidate than Loeffler, and as such was opposed by McConnell, the entire GA "Republican" party spun up to fight against him winning, we have the same thing in Tennessee, so called small government proponents with an R in front of their names on the ballots, hell the State party let a dyed in the wool Democrat run as a Republican for a House seat and he won, and fleck of smegma that was Caucus Chair in the House and did that got re-elected by the House members for this session. Talk about selling out your constituents...

The Chair of the Tennessee Republican Party is a weasel at best. I have run a PAC here for decades to help conservatives get elected, and at this point I can count on my fingers the true conservatives in the House here, and maybe three on a good day in the Senate, our Lt,. Gov. (Speaker of the Senate) is a turd McConnell dropped and floated to the top of that bowl...

We are in trouble folks...

To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.-Richard Henry Lee

Endowment Member NRA, Life Member SAF-GOA, Life-Board Member, West TN Director TFA