Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Won’t qualify, but betting the corporate tax rate increase we’ll see, I’ll be paying for a bunch of those checks for years to come. Just like after funding my Children’s college funds I’ll get to pay for a bunch of folks who chose not too.
We forced to drive and pay for the gas but not choose the direction we travel in this country. Why anyone accepting any handout is allowed to vote is beyond me.

You just keep working and paying them taxes.

Ingwe, I, and a few other fellas around here need our monthly checks for a few more years.

I’m more than happy to see my taxes go to social security checks to the men snd women that paid into the fund for years upon years.

You/we should’ve had the choice of paying into SS or not participating in the program and putting the same amount into investments of our choice. Imagine what you’d have if it went into mutual funds.