We have a perfect understanding of supply and demand.

No, you do not. I am curious, though, who is this "we"?

We also have a perfect understanding of price gouging under extraordinary circumstances.

Once again, clearly you do not. Regardless, where is the "price gouging"? As far as "statutes" being in place to *ahem* address the behavior, please link a couple that deal specifically with ammo prices you don't agree with.

Actually, I'll make this even simpler for you. What should be the going rate for .338 Mag ammo right now, or any other ammo for that matter? Who should determine that price? The more I have to ask, the more obvious it becomes you truly have no idea how a free market works. Remember, just because you don't like the price doesn't mean you should be able to change it.

Besides, which is better for a guy who decides he has to have a box of .338 right now....a box for $35 that's completely out of stock, or a box for $80 that's actually available to order?

People keep calling this extraordinary circumstances, but when in fact, its absolutely not. In fact, it was completely predictable. Anyone who was caught unprepared this time is at best naïve, and at worst a short sighted fool. We saw the same exact thing after Obama in '08, the school shootings, and even the Las Vegas shooting a couple years. Same thing with all the BLM rioting the last year or so, Despite this, this country has gone through salad days of rock bottom pricing on ammo, guns, etc, yet these people seem completely caught off guard. Same with Biden. Most of us realized that there was a better than even chance he would be elected, and prices would be affected. Yet, here people are scrambling to stock up...and complaining about the "unfair prices" and people "gouging" them on a commodity.