Originally Posted by rickt300
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
You guys need to watch Glenn Beck on Blaze TV. He outlines their plan.

First, they did steal the election. Second, they used the Washington Rally and capital break in to divert attention away from the stealing and impeach Trump. If the senate convicts, Trump can never run for office again.

Third, they are trying to bring about the "Great Reset", to reset the economy and bring about socialism world wide. Trump and the US stood in their way. Covid was probably intentionally released to shut down the western economies, and drive out small business. The Great Reset is a UN proposal to bring about eventually a one world economy and government (Globalists).

Fourth, they are going to implement the "Green New Deal" as soon as Covid goes away with the vaccines and the use of Ivermectin and zince or Hydroxychloriquine. The Green New Deal will tax oil, coal, and natural gas out of business and use the tax money and tax credits for a massive push to solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions. They are also going to tax beef and make if so expensive we will not be able to afford it. You know, cows fart too much and cause global warming.

Fifth, they are going to do Medicare for all and do away with traditional insurance.

Sixth, one party rule is more efficient. The Republican party is essentially dead as they control the votes. We will basically have a dictatorship.

Seventh, they are going to try to crush Trump and his family, as well as Trump supporters by cutting off their communication (Facebook, Twitter, Parlor, etc.) and cutting off their credit cards, life insurance, and any bank financing. If you gave to Trump or the Republican Party, through a credit card, you may be next.

Eight, they are going to tax guns and ammo, not allow credit or loans to gun manufacturers and dealers. They may not be able to totally ban guns, but they can drastically hurt sales and the ability to manufacture and distribute them. They will try registration and confiscation eventually.

Nine, they want to control our "free speech", but bans on public forums, classify speech by pastors and others against the LBGTQ movement and Womens rights against abortion. Arrests will be make and churches closed.

They want control, total control over our lives. Medical, financial, communications, free speech, ability to defend ourselves, etc. Wake up people we are in the last days. This is called the "age of sorrows". Many more bad things are going to happen. It is happening quickly. If you are a Christian, pray and fast for our country. If you are not, maybe you can help figure a way out of this mess, and stop attacking Christians, they are not your enemy. Hopefully people will see what is happening and raise up their voices against it, without violence, loud enough they can't ignore it, hopefully.

Beck never actually mentions who's behind all that. He cannot.

So the obvious is not good enough for you? China and big tech. You know their names.

Isn't it strange how "those guys over there" are always the ones blamed. How much leverage would you say "China" has over, say, what goes on in your city? And as far as (((who))) runs the tech companies, it is pretty obvious.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.