I was in the best shape of my life when I met my wife. 5'5" and 141. Jogged a few days a week, push-ups and pull-ups for days. It was nothing to be in a rough-framed house and jump up, grab the top of a door opening and crank out 10-20 pull-ups while wearing Carhart bibs, full tool belt and winter boots. I could eat and drink without a care.

Got married and through a steady supply of good cooking, I gained about 15 pounds over the next 3 years. Then came a stressful job where I was no longer installing, but splitting my time between a desk and a steering wheel, and the weight really began to pile on. I grew to hate the job and gained even more until at my heaviest, I was about 238!

I'm down about 30 lbs from that now and would like to drop another 50.

4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan. smile