Originally Posted by shootem
What makes it false and the Patriot position right is the truth. Facts are being denied. The presentation of legitimate “alternatives” to the false vote count is being denied. Our day in court to present evidence pointing directly at dead man votes, fabricated mail in ballots, electronic switching of Trump votes to Biden, unconstitutional changing of election law by judicial and/or gubernatorial decree IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ELECTION has been repeatedly denied. What does it take to gain legal grievance against a blatantly false 3d World election result? The facts are there and the American Patriots are demanding they be viewed and acted on. And this doesn’t even address the false votes for congress that must logically have accompanied the false votes for president. Not only has a president been illegally elected but his supporting staff of clowns in the Senate and HOR (no pun, honest) has also been illegally and falsely multiplied.

This is a crisis the like of which our nation has never faced. The very heart of our democratic republic has been violated. And both our elected politicians and appointed judiciary upholds that illegal takeover of democracy. We are the last truly free nation on the face of the earth. That status is in grave jeopardy if we as Patriots allow this openly stolen election and its results to stand. We must resist the rule of those who openly stand against freedom in whatever manner is required. Yeah, I know. That’s probably another page in my folder for encouraging rebellion against those who resist freedom, deny free speech, and use troops and illegal monopolies in public media to not only censor but deny our 1st Amendment rights. But this must be considered a worthy standing in the face of sworn affidavits by witnesses of the corruption both domestic and foreign, the presence of more voters casting votes than are registered in certain districts and data analysis by experts in the field that absolutely refutes the so called official result.

We must continue to demand justice but peaceful justice must come quickly. Donald Trump must IMMEDIATELY enact the Insurrection act and allow our military to take possession of voting machines, ballots and related data and material to be examined by its experts in the appropriate fields. This to prevent a coup and illegal takeover of the federal government of the United States of America. An Insurrection. And this should have been done weeks ago befor pertinent information could be lost forever. Once the Pied Piper and his parade are legitimized falsely, efforts at bringing forth the truth will become virtually impossible by peaceful means.

Our courts have failed us. It is the sworn duty of the Supreme Court of the United States to uphold the Constitution and assure especially that the federal government follows its own rules. They have shirked this duty by refusing to view hard evidence and in doing so placed our republic in peril. If they continue this course of action for the few days remaining they then own the blood of its consequences. Make no mistake about it, 25,000 National Guard troops in our Capital to insure the success of an insurrection will not make the resulting hunta capable of forcing their illegitimate agenda on the free citizens of the United States. Rebellion will follow for certainly the intended rule and seizure of Constitutional rights will follow. And this will be totally and unequivocally unacceptable.

Pray for our nation, pray for freedom and pray those in position of power and leadership will do what is required to insure justice, reveal the true workings of this past election and act accordingly if an honest accounting reveals that which is already visible as a true attempt at an overthrow of our government. I fear the options of Peace or War hang in the balance.

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"If memory serves fails me..."
Quote: ( unnamed) "been prtty deep in the cooler todaay "

Television and radio are most effective when people question little and think even less.