Originally Posted by UNCCGrad
Originally Posted by dye7barrel
Originally Posted by Burleyboy
Ross coin and Gun in Idaho falls got several cases in when I was there today. I asked how much they where they said that they weren't for sale in the shop that they were going to put them all on gun broker.


Great place to avoid.

Probably ashamed to admit what they are selling them for, knowing it would piss of their locals.

The family that runs it never acts too ashamed about anything. You could ask people in East Idaho if there is a gunshop they hate and 19 times out of 20 they'd probably say Ross. They sell there ammo at pretty much gun broker prices and raise the price with every shipment. They said locals won't pay gunbroker primer prices so They'll sell them on gunbroker. Most people I know only shop there when it's tough to get stuff if at all.
