Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Have been wanting to try the whole head kraut, first saw
it at Potatofest, and wondered "How in thee hell".

There are video's everywhere for it now.

I think it would be cool to have leaves for Sammie.

That chick wants it in a cool place!
70 degrees is the ideal temp, cooler and it slows or stalls the process.
But then, most folks don't let it fully mature. They just want it a little
Sauer. Old folks never took it out of the crock. Just scoop out enough
for supper and recover. Skim the mold off and get what you need.

Kraut heads are amazing. They make the best cabbage rolls!

My grandmother used to do them and we’d sneak into the basement to pull the outside leaves off them and eat them as they were.

I can buy kraut heads at the local farmers market, too. Have for the last 30 years.