Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Bristoe
All you people who are saying to vote GOP come hell or high water,..

If Mitt Romney is the nominee again are you going to vote for him?,....Jeb Bush?,...Karl Rove?,...Marco Rubio?,...John Kasich?

The GOP establishment is rotten.

Does it really matter, have we not learned that elections are a thing if the past whether you are voting for Jeb or Trump the winner is already predetermined.

I mean this is crazy talk to discuss future elections as if they actually matter.

Did the Dominion max
Chines get put out to pasture?

Yeah, I know. Still, I can't believe that people are still pushing the "no 3rd party" argument. The reason this country is where it is, is because the people didn't have a political advocate in either of the political parties.

The GOP is complicit in *all* of it.