Austin police said they would arrest citizens legally carrying long guns on the street here recently.

An Austin police officer arrested a man carrying a holstered black powder pistol during a second amendment march a few years ago, "even after being presented with the state statute on paper showing it was legal", because he wasn't man enough to back down from his mental derangement of "citizens don't have a right to bear arms" he allowed himself to be brainwashed with, FROM THE UNION most likely.

The above is TREASON.

The above proves your whole city / department are traitors to the country, and are a domestic enemy within the borders of this free nation.

You are part of a LEO movement in the whole country, where all departments agreed to dress in black and black vehicles, to put on a psyop front to the public that you are all one ARMY across the country to make the public feel like they are enslaved in a tyrant run nation. Does the uniformity of BROWN shirts from NAZI Germany sound familiar?

You have militarized your departments across the nation since 911, and are proud displaying it to the public, just like communist countries parade their armies and their weapons, again to acclimate the people into a psychological state that they have NO RIGHTS and do not live in a FREE nation, but a POLICE STATE.

Austin is a disgrace to the REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, for it represents everything evil in society, and has done so for decades, with full approval from every mentally deranged government official who has worked in that communist run city.

Their is no doubt in anyone's mind, the entirety of your force would GLADLY "attempt" to confiscate the citizen's guns.

Wearing a badge is one of the most highest honors in a free Republic.

Wearing a badge to destroy a Republic is a DISGRACE, and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.


The court of 24 Hour Campfire hereby formally rejects your request.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)