Also on those housebound stormy days, you can get some real nuggets with a very small investment of your time from the 'stickys' on cast boolits. It's the little things that trip you up in casting. Silly stuff, like maybe a wee drop of oil migrating from your sprue plate pivot, a tad of zinc in your melt, a tiny burr you can't see without magnifiers on your mold parting line. Casting is easy, but can be frustrating if you overlook the details. For your first project, I would pick a larger caliber, .30 cal and up...if you have a .30-30 or .30-40 or .308 for instance. Then, when you get a good accurate product, expand your mold inventory. Before you invest heavily in lube/size equipment, do a little reading, maybe powder coating or tumble lube will do what you need.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.