A few years back I had a spike camp in the Trinity Wilderness and a kid (to me) came in and introduced himself and inquired about borrowing my freighter pack. Of course, borrow the pack, but isn't it easier to get your buck down to the trail and drag him down here, the trail is steep and it should be an easy drag? Kid: well he is in a bad place and I think I'll just break him down and haul him on your pack. Curious now, nothing would do but me helping the kid. That buck was in a place that defies description. A near vertical granite wall, with a bench not much bigger than a card table. The 150 feet of parachute cord on my pack came in handy that afternoon. In a half century of blacktail hunting, I have never seen a deer in such a horrible place. By the way, the kid was a credit to his generation, he peeled out a tenderloin for my supper that evening.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.