I like to hunt them well before the season starts. Most folks call that scouting...
I try to find an area(s) that won't be too heavily hunted - remote clearcuts, south facing slopes that offer a view, secluded water holes.

" "Do this while the bucks are growing their antlers." "
They'll be in the open a lot at that time of year. Now you know where they are.

As soon as they shed their velvet, they'll become more timber oriented and a lot harder to find - but they're still in that area. Cameras at water holes can reveal a lot - who and when.

If your close to the road, you'll have competition.
Plan on hiking in before daylight, by headlamp. Bring a lunch and good glass and spend your time looking. Be patient.....glass some more.....repeat

If you don't kill in the the first few days, don't sweat it. The last week is by far the best time to hunt them. You'll have less competition, cooler weather and the approach of the rut.

Because your hunting a harder to get to location, bring a packboard that you can use to carry your buck out on. Watch a video or two on how to dress game the gutless way. Bringing out only the meat and head, that will save you a ton of labor - and your going to toss all that bone and hair anyway - do it first.

Good luck!

"Where do they find young men like this?" Reporter Savidge, Iraq
Elk, it's what's for dinner....