Originally Posted by rosco1
Not a lot of chatter here about the peasants sticking it to the hedges. You buying?

Good or bad I’m doubling down again tomorrow at the opening dip. Hedges are counterfeiting and short laddering the hell out of this stock, yet black rock investments is still holding on to over 6M shares, with their latest purchase (today) due to hit the market in the next few days. It dropped some 40% today, yet the buy/sell was 95/5. That doesn’t add up, the hedges are faking out the System. They can’t do it forever if no one is selling. SSR isn’t something they can postpone, it’s going to bite them.I’m not encouraging anyone to buy, but this is very interesting.

This is crazy, you have brokerages limiting retail investors, blatant illegal counterfeiting and laddering, and now class action lawsuits . Kinda strange nobody here is talking about it.

Week late. But you’ll upset the great self described great patriot and stock/ gambling guru. Cuck911 if you do so might be worth it