Cleaned lots over the past few years, I have an old fixed blade - like a full sized knife, not sure of the brand, but it's Carbon steel and has rust and pits, but sharpened - it cuts..........

Also, use shears ALOT. I cut the feet off with shears, tail off with knife, sometimes slice under the tail and around it on top of the hind end, to pull the hide, other times just start at the middle of the back with a slit from the knife. Skin, cut off the front quarters with knife cutting along shoulder blade down. Next I cut off the head with shears, then the back quarters with shears either side of the back. Then trim off ribs and keep the back half of the back.

Shears makes it SO Much easier, you can use the to slide under the hide after you cut the feet off, and slice along the sides of the legs to split the hide to make it easier to skin.

Lastly, a Pressure cooker does wonders to make the meat fave lately, using Squirrel for Gumbo wink