I am glad you guys had great outcomes.

Momma is 63, and has had cataracts growing across her right eye for about three years, and just starting on her left. She got both lenses replaced in Dec. She is quite happy with the results.

Since she had a total hip replacement done in October, she had met maximum out of pocket ($1900) on our insurance for 2020. So in our case, her eyes were at no cost to us.

I think the insurance was billed about $7K but much of that was dismissed due to Blue Cross price contract agreements.

We were told that any corrective lenses were a high cost option, not covered by insurance. She got straight vision replacement lenses.

Fortunately, Momma's vision is 20-20 beyond three feet. She uses 2.00 readers from Walgreens for playing on her phone or reading her romance novels.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.