The bunny boots the white ones are the warmest but not good for much walking. The black ones Mouse Boots are better for walking and both are good if there is a chance of getting wet like during a stream crossings. The price has gone up considerably but in the past I never spent more than $25 on them, so a good buy even if not worn very often.

I have been pleased with a 1,000 gram Danner Pioneer, I think,. similar to the Elk hunter. Couple of things really help, get them at least one size larger than your street shoes, add 1/4" or thicker felt insoles, currently I have those mesh Vietnam insoles under Alpaca felt and this works great, treat at least the lower portion of leather boots with pure bees wax, this not only makes them more waterproof it keeps the leather from absorbing moisture from inside or outside. Wear liner socks and I wear alpaca socks too, they are 3-4 times warmer than wool.

Over boots like the Neos or once on stand Boot Blankets are a good option if doing much walking. Boots warm enough for stand hunting will make your felt sweat while walking negating the reason for wearing them, Bring a change of socks and some chemical warmers that will fit in the boots and you can stay out all day.