Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Stophel
Originally Posted by UncleAlps

My question is why does 60 Minutes GAF?


Because it is excellent propaganda material. It is perfect for them to use to paint all Trump supporters/conservatives/ republicans/whatever as wacko nitwits that believe everything that some anonymous dude says on the internet.... and none of it has ever been right. It animates Biden supporters, and causes some Trump supporters to question their support... even if they have never heard of or listened to "Q" before. All the Q Anonsense is a propagandist's dream.

And why would they give a crap? Afraid of Trump? And why would they be afraid of Trump? whistle

And why would the MSM owned by the Cabal spend hundreds of millions dissing a Larp? shocked

Normally, I do not respond the same way that you and so many others here do, but I just have to say, damn, you are one irritating imbecile.