Originally Posted by JoeBob

Not really. Why? Because it IS a return and it is less risky than the market. Can’t stick money in the bank and get a return in the last thirty years. The market is always risky.

Since we are talking about generational wealth here, there is simply no risk in investing in the stock market. Nobody has ever lost money with a well diversified stock portfolio over a period of decades. Short term, sure. Over a period of one or more generations? The risk vanishes and returns approach the average.

Moreover, as 2008 has shown us, there is most certainly short term risks in real estate as well.

There is no flies on real estate as an investment, but over long periods of time, it is no less risky than stocks, and has some strong negative aspects, including poor liquidity, difficulty diversifying, and transaction costs.

Sic Semper Tyrannis