Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Concealed means concealed, do what you want.

Risk vs. risk; the risk of needing a firearm in times of peril vs. the risk of picking up a life-altering felony arrest/conviction.

Take your pick, varies by location.

Back in the days when there were very few places in the US where it was easy to obtain a concealed weapon permit, the saying was popular that "I'd rather be judged by twelve than be carried by six." It expressed the notion that the only way the criminal justice system is going to discover that you carry a handgun (which was illegal in most states without a license, which was hard to acquire) is if you need to use it to save your life from a criminal, so the calculus enormously favored the decision to carry, even if the law technically prohibited it.

Thankfully, the days when a law abiding American had to make that calculation largely ended in the 1980s and 90s, when most states adopted either shall issue or Constitutional carry.