According to one of my late uncles, he registered the Luger he brought home from Germany in 1945 with the local police dept. in Ohio in the early 1950's when he lived there. Went to police dept. with the gun, filled out some paperwork. paid a small fee, then the cops fired one round from it to save the bullet for ballistic testing, then he walked out with his registered gun. He never mentioned anything about a carry permit. Apparently he didn't need one back then if he walked out of the police dept. with the gun but no carry permit. I inherited it in 2001 and had to turn it in to a local police dept. while getting it on my permit so they could run the numbers on it and whatever else they do. I stated that it had been registered in Ohio in the early '50's but it never popped up on the computers. It was said that most of those old paper records are long gone. It was declared a war trophy and it was about a year before I got it back but the cops were real cool about it and didn't give me any hassle.