Originally Posted by wabigoon
Maybe just me, I try to adhere to the old, If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

Of course, I do when I screw up.

Actually, I could make a compelling argument that she wanted confrontation.

Her actions pretty much ensured there would be drama.

And, at least for me, I'd prefer that my on line hunting/shooting time wasn't spent with people who do neither, regardless of gender or gender preference.

Or, to put it another way: if I was to saddle up to the bar, alone, as a 50yo guy, in a hip bar full of 20-something students by the university, am I doing anything wrong?


Do I have the "right" to be there?


And the kicker: should I be surprised or offended when those 20-something students are giving me WTF looks, because I'm obviously out of my element?????
