Asians have been VERY successful as an immigrant/minority group. They have taken advantage of the “American Dream”, and through hard work/education/integration, become quite successful. You don’t see many homeless/indigent Asians.

More importantly, you don’t (until recently) see many Asians running around screaming about being a “repressed minority”.

I honestly think Dems are trying to change that, and try and turn them into another solid block of “Democrat voters”. They are trying to “gaslight” them and make them feel like they are being targeted by racist “hate crimes”. The problem is, other than that one “Olivia Munn” incident up in NYC, you’ll notice that these are almost ALL perpetrated by another group of Democrat voters (lookin’ at you, “black folks”).

The real question should be, “Why do black folks act so violent towards whites/Asians/Jews/hispanics/gays/OTHER BLACK PEOPLE”?????

Are “racist white people” somehow convincing black Democrat voters to be racist against Asians?? Gimme a break....

Nobody seems to want to acknowledge the real “elephant in the room”......