Paper money that will collapse or another housing bubble in the making. Hope you aren't putting your money in gold. That will be the first thing confiscated after the great collapse. It happened after the 1930's collapse. They are preparing counter measures fo bitcoin investors also. They will be quicker this time on confiscation.History repeats itself and they will pay you 100 dollars an ounce and then jack it up to 5000 dollars an ounce to base the new currency on.
In 1930 the gold was confiscated and illegal to own or prison was waiting for you. You got 25 dollars and ounce and then they revalued it up at 35 and ounce. I mention this to all you naive gold and bitcoin investors. Land is the only asset that would be safe because there never was a land confiscation acceptance because this would be considered communist. LOL what about the confiscations?Isn't that communist?

It is better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.