Originally Posted by hardway
I already know how many will answer this but with the newer bullets and powders does it make sense to own any5hing besides a 9mm for self defense anymore? I am on a kick to consolidate ammo ....I don’t handgun hunt or do any competitions.....I just shoot enough to stay proficient.

Used to be REALLY into 10mm.....I have 5 different pistols and a couple thousand rounds just collecting dust.... thinking about dumping everything except 9mm and 22 rimfire (pistols) and reinvesting in a Dillon 750.

If, as you say, you only shoot enough to stay proficient and you've already got 1,000's of rounds of ammo, to me it only makes sense to stick with what you've already got on hand. Why spend $$ (especially at today's prices and scarcity) on a new reloading setup, components and guns if you don't shoot very much? Doesn't seem worth it to me in this case.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan