Not Turbo Tax. I have used HR Block Tax Cut for close to 15 years. The Deluxe version includes schedules for business and farm expenses.

I work out of state and so have to pay tax to my state of employment as well as my state of residence. I used to do all of my own taxes on paper with a desk calculator. Usually the states would correct my return and send me a bigger check than I had expected. LOL..Beats the hell out of being charged with tax evasion I guess.

Anyway, doing my taxes with Tax Cut cost me a bit over $100 this year including electronic filing fees for Federal and Oregon. The tax calculations were not real difficult this year with 1W2 and 5 1099s. But still $100 is cheap to me for the computer to do all the math, and take care of the filing.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.