Originally Posted by wilkeshunter
Originally Posted by jonboy900
Originally Posted by ryoushi
If you're doing a lot of hunting for fur and the dog is retrieving, take a look a the Deutch Drathaar. You'll want a dog that can defend itself and dispatch wounded critters then bring it back to you like it's the king of the world. That would be a DD.
those are one of the few i have heard of but i have a hard time beliving some of the stuff you hear. whice i run hounds most of the time i just named beaver and muskrat becuse i heard a guy talking about a game call that would work on beaver and muskrats. it was easier to bag a few for the table then trapping. so mostly looking for something that can take cold water and fish game out after the kill shot

I can’t think of anything that can take cold/rough water conditions like a Chesapeake. Those dogs are tough!

cool the only one i had seen was one that belonged to a lady my grandma lived next door to. it was just a pet but it seemed like it take some time to use to us. can you give me some idea what they are like as far as handling and tranining, and how they are around livestook and other pets.

Jonathan Henson