It was the last one he retrieved. Obviously, that one was too big for him to ‘kill’, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. First we knew of it was the dog on back of the beaver, in about 2.5-3’ of water, biting it all over the head.....beaver finally spun out from under the dog, made a run back towards the lodge, and son (in pic) shot it when it went by. You can see the water got shallow quick there, and I think it just had one run/ditch to work with, or it was out of its element. Dog drug it out and up there by me. He killed small beavers, but that’s probably the biggest beaver I’ve ever personally seen.....and yeah, the big ones are bad news, but the dog didn’t know/care.

Not sure if you can see, but there’s a vertical scar on his snout, where a ground hog got a claw clean through his upper lip, while he was nose on to it in a burrow. He racked up some stitches on that one.

Last edited by hh4whiskey; 03/30/21.