FWIW: The following is a summary of my cost for an African safari in Zimbabwe in 1988. Adjacent to the 1988 cost, I've included what it would've cost in Zim with the same operator, same amount of days, and the same animals taken fifteen years later, and thirty years later. Point being, the longer one waits to go, the more expensive the hunt. Time, and Inflation waits for no one. Plan now, go soon.

Year: 1988

Leopard (1) $1,500
Kudu (2) 1,000
Impala (4) 300
Zebra (2) 1,000
Wildebeest (1) 500
Warthog (3) 375
Baboon (1) 25
Baits (4) 160

Total: $4,860

Year 2003. The same animals, and same number would have been: $9,100. For the year 2018, $16,400

Daily rate for 1988=Eighteen days $5,400. 2003=$9,900. 2018=$18,000

Totals: 1988=$10,260 2003=$19,000 2018=$34,400

As an aside, buffalo trophy fee in 1988 was $1,200. 2003=$2,000. 2018=$4,500.

May of 2018, my dear friend, and Zimbabwe safari operator, fell victim to cancer. Since his demise, and his safari operation, I have no idea what the costs are in today's dollars.