The Mrs. and I are looking at doing some chain link fence around the house. before we just wing it I figured I'd do some research, turns out there is a lot online when it comes to chain link fencing and how to go about it. I've come across some that say screw the big box lumber yard types like menards and lowes and direct supply it if possible. and others that say that's the best because you can get it "local" so if you need this or that it's easy and yada yada. our yard is about 1/2 acre so it's not a tiny job but it'll add up quick so I don't want to waste any time or money. we've got 2 kids 12 and 8 that'll help and a couple friends so we'll be doing it ourselves, just wondering where the best place is to get supplies for it and any tips when it comes to saving time or money on it.


Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.