Would venture about same as Angus if online or store/consigned, if only because in those cases your market is folks often in-tune with the market and will readily pass if priced over market. It’s the re-blue, etc that does it.

What chambering? That could skew things a bit. If a desired cowboy shoot chambering, you may do better. Also at a gunshow, private sale, you might be closer to 1500, where impulse and gotta-have-it-now is more powerful, sometimes. JMO though.

But, fret not. Am in the buy high, sell low club most of the time, too. Hinges around whether one is buying/selling “soon”, vs. carrying inventory like a store, waiting out for the high roller to come ‘round.

Golldammed motion detector lights. A guy can’t even piss off his porch in peace any more.

"Look, I want to help the helpless. It's the clueless I don't give a [bleep] about." - Dennis Miller on obamacare.