Originally Posted by SamOlson
First off I don't consider myself a cowboy. Not a roper, not a bronc buster, never rode in an arena.

But I've been around horses and cattle and cowdogs since old enough to walk.

That said days horseback are sorta like A Tale of Two Cities.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

We lease pasture in big country and you'll be away from the pickup and trailer for 8-10 hours or longer per day. Gather and push for 2-3 days and never open a gate.

Coldest I've ever been in my life was horseback.
(several times)

Thirstiest I've ever been was horseback.
(a few times)

Most frustrated I've ever been was horseback.
(played out horse)

Feeling like you've got the world by the tail.....horseback.
(about 1000 times....grin)

Sounds like you earn your living.
Being a Cowboy to me......

From a person who is most def not a cowboy....
Been other things though.