Wife had Covid in December. Spent 10 days at home battling it On day 11 she was having difficulty breathing. Spent 4 days in the hospital with pneumonia and got 4 Remdisivere drips. She was home on day 5 from the hospital. Hydroxy, z pack etc, did not help. She started that regiment on the day she tested positive. The Remdisivere knocked it out. No pre existing conditions and in good health.
She quarantined for 14 days after getting out of the hospital. (more of a recouperation) She is fine now.

She works at a school and decided to get the shot so she would not have to go through Covid again. She got the first Pfizer shot on Monday, and yesterday was feeling as bad as when she first got Covid. She is having second thoughts on getting the next shot.

Think I am going to pass myself.


The liberal mind is an endless black hole of stupidity.