Originally Posted by 405wcf
Aspirin now to prevent blood clots!!!!

50mg elemental zinc/day, 5000 iu vit D/per day

In addition to the above, I was treated with hydroxy, Z-pac, and prednisone .

Best Wishes to you and the Mrs!


My wife did this course of treatment starting on the day she tested positive. It barely made a dent. After 10 days of battling it she went into the hospital with pneumonia. She went in on a Monday and came home on Friday. 4 Remdisivere drips later and she was all better.
Me and my 2 boys all tested negative twice. She was/is in pretty good shape and has no health issues. It affects everyone differently.

Just a sample of one.

For some odd reason she wanted to get the shots. Took first Pfizer and got chills and fever for a day and a half. Felt as bad when she had Covid. (She works at a school and wanted to be “safe”)

Me and the boys will take our chances. No shots for us. She is thinking about not getting the follow up.

I’m going to wait a while before I tell her told ya so.


The liberal mind is an endless black hole of stupidity.