Originally Posted by Clarkm
Poverty does not cause crime.
Low IQ causes poverty AND crime.
IQ is caused by genes.
Crime is caused by low IQ genes. [This truth is forbidden in woke culture].

There is an extra variable, male hormone.

This is something of a broad generalization...........the Caucasian race has been "civilized" for a couple of thousand of years, at the very least. Not so with the Negroes, as they have only been "out of the jungle" only a few hundred years at the least. The "jungle mentality" is still alive and well in their DNA today. They see nothing wrong with killing one another, or anyone else for that matter, they see nothing wrong with resisting authority, they see nothing wrong with taking something rather than working for it, for it's the way their ancestors lived. You just don't breed that kind of behavior out of a race of people in a couple of hundred years. Add to that the fact that their IQ level is such that it's hard for them to comprehend the fact that they're not supposed to be doing what they're doing, and you end up with the behavior that is not like it should be in a civilized society.