673 and Steve;
Happy Easter and good afternoon to you both, I hope the Easter weekend finds you and your respective yours well.

There used to be an island that was a bow hunting destination - but I want to say it might have been Bowen Island?

We fished off of Hornby, Denman and Lasqueti Islands a few different times too, but I don't recall much other than sea lions on Lasqueti and seals on all of them. That would have been from '82 and forward to about a decade back that we fished there every few years.

There were supposed to be feral goats on one of the Gulf Islands too, but they might be all gone now like the feral sheep that used to roam Saltspring Island.

We saw the feral sheep on a Columbia Blacktail hunt there back in the late '80's or maybe early '90's. They were so full of sticks and briars they looked like they had a Ghillie suit on! laugh

I'm not really big on conspiracy theories, but as a guy who ran several different businesses in my life and being married to an accountant for nearly 40 years, I know that the numbers need to pencil out and what PM Sparkle Socks is doing does not. Our kids and grand kids will be paying for this and that isn't fair or equitable.

That said and regardless, once the beer flu mess is over I really need to get back onto the chuck fishing again and will look for the secret locations that I missed the last times I went by.

Happy Easter to one and all who enter into this Canuck section.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"