Tags: dindu lol

dindu nothin' (non-offensive) \\ 'dindu nuffin' (racial pejorative) \

Dindu (a portmanteau of "didn't" + "do" succeeded by the word "nothin") is a whimsical expression, mostly used by the Right, to poke fun at what they perceive as MSM's portrayal of guilty people as innocent victims. The whimsical nature stems from the nuance of the double negative. Hence "dindu nothin" is an affirmation that the person, contrary to the narrative, did in fact do something.


Dindu, when used by itself or in combination with "nothin" (not to be confused with "nuffin"), is not a racial pejorative. This term specifically targets the supporters of criminal behavior and the associated MSM narrative. Nevertheless, in 2016, social media started banning it. In an attempt to bypass forum censors, commenters began posting various similar sounding alternative spellings (din-du, dindü, diñdu, dinndu, dinduu, dintdu, etc).


Dindu detractors argue that the word is racist because it makes fun of Black dialect. On the other hand, dindu supporters say this argument is absurd on its face: "Black people don't pronounce 'didn't do' like 'dindu.' To suggest otherwise is condescending. However, while dindu is fine when used alone, a distinction between the non-offensive 'dindu nothin' and the offensive 'dindu nuffin' must be made."