Originally Posted by saddlegun
Originally Posted by the_shootist
I think he was 99 years old. The royal family only gets to retire at death.


No, they can quit anytime that they like. But then, no more welfare payments.

Lets face it. He lived a long life, accomplished nothing, did nothing, and his death will affect nothing.

As you might surmise, I am not a Royalist.

The same could be said about a whole raft of professionals,politicians, bureaucrats, and money market people who are living off the public tit today and believe themselves to be beacons of free enterprise. Most wouldn't know free enterprise if it bit them in the ass. He was dealt a hand and played it well. That it was a pretty fair hand wasn't his fault. We, the working people of the world, are consistently raped by an entire class who doesn't work for their money. The British Royal family is among the least of these. GD